The Light Phone 2 is here to try to save you from smartphone burnout


While most of the hype surrounding new phones has belonged to the usual suspects, there's a lot of buzz around the new Light Phone 2, now available for pre-order.

If you're wondering why there's such chatter around a phone you may not have ever heard of before, it's because of what the Light Phone 2 doesn't have: namely, all the bells and whistles that make the newest iPhones or Galaxy Notes the hot ticket items they are. 

Light Phone creators Joe Hollier and Kaiwei Tang did that on purpose. As Tang recently told Wired, "The value of Light Phone is not just the object itself. The value is the experience that you break away from the internet, from social media, from all the manipulation. You're free now. This is your life. What are you going to do?" Read more...

More about Iphone, Smartphones, Light Phone, Tech, and Smartphones

via Zero Tech Blog

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