In another world, a movie about a deranged serial killer who dismembers his victims and transplants their body parts with snowmen could be so entertaining. But this is not that world, and Tomas Alfredson's The Snowman (currently rocking 13% on Rotten Tomatoes) is an incoherent mess. Critics screened the film in time for its Oct. 19 debut and found nothing worth redeeming in its cast, plotting, and shoddy editing.
Here's what they had to say.
The secret comedy
Alissa Wilkinson, Vox:
The overall effect means that as the movie soldiers bravely on, the suspicion begins to build — like icy fingers on your neck — that this is not in fact a crime drama, but a vast punking conspiracy, a bit of avant-garde satire without any clear target. That feeling only grows with the dialogue, which is baffling in its badness. “Maybe this will bring your balls back,” Katrine says to Hole, handing him a cup of vodka. A character speaks of a “pregnancy doctor,” as if anyone calls an obstetrician by that name. At one point, a character says that he is infertile, then clarifies helpfully for those in the back that this means he cannot have children. Read more...
More about Entertainment, Movies, Michael Fassbender, Universal, and The Snowmanvia Zero Tech Blog