Davos Seaworth has basically been the lone voice of reason on Game of Thrones since his introduction in Season 2, graduating from advising the terminally stubborn Stannis Baratheon to advising the suicidally stubborn Jon Snow (aka Aegon Targaryen).
Both of those roles were pretty thankless, and now that Jon has decided to unite — politically and, um, physically — with Daenerys Targaryen (aka Jon's aunt), life's about to get a lot more difficult for everyone on Team Snowgaryen heading into the final season.
Mashable spoke to Ser Davos himself, Liam Cunningham, in the wake of the Game of Thrones Season 7 finale, to discuss his thoughts on Westeros' newest incestuous power couple, who will survive Season 8, and whether we'll finally get to see Cleganebowl. Read more...
More about Game Of Thrones, Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Game Of Thrones Season 7, and Game Of Thrones Season 8via Zero Tech Blog