BunkerEx is an online marketplace for shipping companies that need to buy fuel Ifeadi C. 01:20 TechCrunch, Zero Tech Blog BunkerEx is a newly-funded startup out of London that is building an online marketplace to change the way shipping companies buy fuel, or ‘bunkers,’ to use the correct industry term. Read More via Zero Tech Blog Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ Related PostsThis AR guppy feeds on the spectrum of human emotionNetflix is adding an interactive ‘Minecraft’ story to its lineup, denies entry into gamingComcast bids $65B for Fox assets, setting the stage for a fight with DisneySphero raises $12M as it focuses on educationChowbotics raises $11 million to move its robot beyond saladsDemocrats introduce an election security bill that proposes paper trails and mandatory audits