'Game of Thrones' gave us everything we've been waiting for in that chilling Season 7 finale


This recap is dark and full of spoilers for the Game of Thrones Season 7 finale, "The Dragon and the Wolf."

Shit just got real.

It was inevitable, even before the Night King raised Viserion from the dead in last week's chilling final moments, that we would end up here — but knowing that we're barreling towards an unavoidable conclusion is very different from seeing it play out before our eyes. 

The Wall has stood for thousands of years, and watching it crumble (even partially) marks the end of an era in Westeros. For all the sweet summer children who have lived in blissful ignorance of the dangers that lurk just out of sight, the world has changed inexorably, and what's even more disturbing is the fact that there are still those out there — like Cersei — who, even when faced with the truth, would rather watch millions die than set aside their own pride. (Feels uncomfortably timely, doesn't it?)  Read more...

More about Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Lyanna Stark, Game Of Thrones Season 7, and Rhaegar Targaryen

via Zero Tech Blog

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