Bonnie Tyler will perform flawless song 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' during the eclipse


Here's some perfect news: during next week's total eclipse, Bonnie Tyler will hop aboard Royal Caribbean's Total Eclipse Cruise to perform "Total Eclipse of the Heart." 

This is not too on-the-nose. It is a flawless and good plan — particularly because the audience will actually be able to see the eclipse in totality.

"It's going to be so exciting," Tyler told TIME in an interview. "It doesn't happen very often, does it?"

She's right. It doesn't happen very often. In fact, it's the first total solar eclipse since 1979. And that means we have no excuse not to celebrate accordingly, even if that means being extra. It also means that if you're not taking the Royal Caribbean eclipse cruise, you are obligated to sing the song very loudly during the eclipse, irritating the people around you. Life is but a karaoke stage, my friends! Read more...

More about Eclipse, Bonnie Tyler, Culture, Web Culture, and Music

via Zero Tech Blog

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