Little girl shuts down a salesperson who asks her to choose a different doll


One's a doll and one's a human child, but they're both doctors and they both rule. Clearly. 

Sophia, a 2-year-old South Carolina girl impressed her mum (and now, the whole internet) by shutting down some BS at the toy store, when her choice of doll was questioned by a grown-up. Stupid grown-ups! 

As her mom, Brandi Brenner explained on Instagram over the weekend, Sophia took her potty graduation gift selection very seriously when the pair hit up their local Target.

According to Brenner, Sophia chose a "doctor doll" because she's pretty much obsessed with being a doctor. Upon taking the black doll to the counter, she was asked by a salesperson, "Are you sure this is the doll you want, honey?" To which she replied "Yes please!" But the salesperson continued, "She doesn't look like you. We have lots of other dolls that look more like you." Read more...

More about Racism, Kid, Target, Viral, and Doll

via Zero Tech Blog

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