The 16 best and funniest tweets of the week

illustration of twitter logo with screenshot of tweet





We got the tweets, we got the tweets, we got the tweets — yeeeeeeeeah — we've got the tweets!

Anyway, yes, once again, we here at Mashable have collected the best and funniest tweets of the week. Why? Because that's what we do here, pal, and we want you to have some laughs this weekend. So here they are, please enjoy the 16 best and funniest tweets of the week.

1. It is no surprise to me that crustaceans are more self-actualized than humans.

2. As someone who obsessed with anything cult-related, I truly understand this.

3. I absolutely NEED to know what the night fruit is. WHAT IS THE NIGHT FRUIT?

4. I have been singing this to myself all week.

5. Sometimes a building needs a little freak on the top. That much is true.

6. We all know this happens. This is just life. And life is hard.

7. Just let that sink in. Wow. Just wow.

8. Well when you put it like that...

9. An obligatory dril tweet.

10. Responding to an email is a journey, not a task to be completed.

11. This sort of honesty matters.

12. Please take that issue through Wormtongue, thank you.

13. Urgh, eurgh.

14. This sounds like a good drug, to be honest.

15. The phrase, "My brother in Christ, you are 36 years old," is just perfect, to me.

16. And finally, this

via Zero Tech Blog

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