Learn to paint without judgment for just $20

TL;DR: The Ultimate 2022 Learn to Paint Bundle, valued at $1,194, is on sale for just $19.99 a of Jan. 23 — that's savings of 98%.

If you’re new to painting, it can be pretty intimidating. Sitting in an art class and being judged by your fellow peers? No thank you. Instead, these online painting courses offer a way to learn and experiment at your own pace, in the confidence of your own home. No art critics in sight.

The six courses in the Ultimate 2022 Learn to Paint Bundle pack 13 hours of content on traditional painting, digital painting, and even virtual reality painting (yes, it’s a thing). Designed for beginners in the art world, each course breaks down the basics before diving in too deep. You'll tackle foundational topics like mixing color, value, edges, and shapes, learn effective brushwork and how to work with acrylics, then discover the ins and outs of digital painting software and virtual reality painting using Google Tilt Brush.

Your instructors include professional artists Malcolm Dewey, David Miller, Kristen Palana, and Vincent Noot, and even psychotherapist Libby Seery, who will introduce you to therapeutic art. Each has an instructor rating of 4.2 to 4.6 out of 5 stars, plus plenty of experience under their belt. Plus, they can't actually see you as you work through the courses, so there's no intimidation factor.

Perfect for those who need a little mood boost in the middle of winter, painting is known to be great for your mental health. Studies have shown that expressing yourself through painting — and art in general — can help with depression and anxiety. So, learning to put brush to canvas could be just the pick-me-up you need this season. Plus, you might find that you're pretty good at it.

The Ultimate 2022 Learn to Paint Bundle is valued at over $1,000, with each course priced at $200 a pop. But by bundling the courses together, you can score them for a sweet deal and pay just $19.99. That's just $3 per course.

Prices subject to change.

Bundle of coloring pencils on top of blank coloring page
Credit: Skill Success

via Zero Tech Blog

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