Every single spooky-yet-sweet 'Bob's Burgers' Halloween episode, ranked

Halloween 2021 has been a spooky season of uncertainty, with COVID-19 keeping celebrations small and manufacturing shortages making costumes hard to come by. So thank the Belchers for delivering the ghoulish goods with a brand new holiday-themed episode you're sure to love.

This year, Linda and Gayle take on a pumpkin-smasher whodunnit. But there's no reason you shouldn't revisit all the Bob's Burgers Halloween episodes before diving in. You know, just so you have the appropriate context needed for the investigation. Wink.

We've combed through every Bob's Burgers Halloween special, ranked them for least to most memorable, and flagged what costumes everyone wore in case you need some last-minute DIY inspiration. Happy haunting, Bob-ists! Bob-ites?

10. Season 11, Episode 4: "Heartbreak Hotel-oween"

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Why it's great: When the kids deliver a burger to a hotel on Halloween night, their planned evening of candy collecting turns into a terrifying chance to sit in on a seance. Meanwhile, Bob faces his fear of phlebotomy at a vampire-themed blood donation van. It's a surprisingly sweet combination of stories that doesn't quite rise to the bar set by other Bob's Halloween episodes, but is still worth checking out — especially considering fan-favorite Gus shows up with some killer one-liners.

Who wore which costume: For the main story, the kids team up to be a giant snail — and, as Louise points out, "they snailed it." In a series of flashbacks, you can also catch Gene dressed as "Lady Goo Goo Ga-Ga" (an aged-down Mother Monster) and "Cat Stevens" (literally just a cat wearing a name tag that reads "Stevens"); Louise as "Beetle Juice" (an orange juice carton with a big ol' beetle on the side) and "Blade Bunner" (Gene's burger costume with knives all over it?!); and Tina as a "ToastBuster" (your basic Ghostbusters costume, but she's fighting crispy bread) and "Sixteen Handles" (a home hardware sendup of the John Hughes film Sixteen Candles).

How to watch: Bob's Burgers' "Heartbreak Hotel-oween" is now streaming on Hulu.

9. Season 8, Episode 3: "The Wolf of Wharf Street"

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Why it's great: When news of a wolf prowling around Wonder Wharf reaches the Belchers, Linda decides to join the Tina, Gene, and Louise out trick-or-treating. The result is a breakneck adventure in trying to be cool in front of your kids, totally failing, and still having a pretty good time as a family anyway. This is one of the least memorable of the Bob’s Halloween episodes, but the main storyline is sweet and the subplot with Bob and Teddy is fun enough.

Who wore which costume: Linda leads the gang as a “Cher-iff” (y’know, Cher if she was a member of local law enforcement). In tow is Gene as some “Handsome Grapes,” Louise as Javier Bardem’s character from No Country for Old Men, and Tina as a mom zombie (aka “Mombie”).

Oh, and Teddy is a sexy nurse. He meant to order a “scary nurse” costume, but the universe had different plans for him!

How to watch: Bob's Burgers' "The Wolf of Wharf Street" is now streaming on Hulu.

8. Season 10, Episode 4: "Pig Trouble in Little Tina"

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Why it's great: Just in time for Halloween, it’s fetal pig dissection day in Tina’s science class. But when Tina makes fun of her fetal pig’s appearance to impress her classmates, the guilt that haunts her is far worse than any ghost. This is probably the “scariest” Bob’s episode ever created, but the fetal pig is still pretty cute and Tina's heart of gold shines brighter than ever.

Who wore which costume: This episode is a little low on costumes, but sufficiently high on puns! Louise goes as “The Bjorn Identity” (the protagonist from Bourne Identity but wearing a BabyBjörn) and Gene goes as Fiona Applesauce (the eight-time Grammy winner reimagined as snack food).

How to watch: Bob's Burgers' "Pig Trouble in Little Tina" is now streaming on Hulu.

7. Season 9, Episode 5: "Nightmare on Ocean Avenue Street"

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Why it's great: It’s a high-stakes Halloween when Teddy goes head-to-head with rival handyman Glenn in a decorations contest, and the kids hunt down a masked thief stealing candy from trick-or-treaters. The spectacle of seeing all of Ocean Avenue out for All Hallow’s Eve is super fun; the addition of haunted house “Mutilation Mansion” to the spectacular weirdness that is Wonder Wharf couldn’t be more festive; and Bob and Teddy hanging actual running chainsaws from a gigantic spider on the front of the restaurant is the cherry on top of one great Bob's Halloween.

Who wore which costume: In this Season 9 episode, everybody gets a costume! Gene is “André 3000 the Giant” (a combination of the rapper and the late wrestler-turned-actor), Louise is a “Dragon with a Girl Tattoo” (a send-up of Stieg Larsson’s popular novel), and Tina is “Nun of Your Business” (basically a devout woman carrying a briefcase). Darryl dresses up as PeeWee Herman, Rudy goes as Paul Rudd’s character from I Love You, Man, Andy and Ollie are peanut butter and jelly, and Bob is Bruce Springsteen — definitely not just wearing a bandana and jeans.

How to watch: Bob's Burgers' "Nightmare on Ocean Avenue Street" is now streaming on Hulu.

6. Season 12, Episode 3: "The Pumpkinening"

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Why it's great: In this Bob's whodunnit, mysterious letters delivered to the Belchers and Aunt Gayle bring up a dark chapter in Linda's past. Together, Linda and Gayle try to solve who sent them. It's a heart-warming, sisterly romp that gives us another peak at Linda's pre-marriage past, full of zany characters and adorable reunions. At the same time, the kids try to teach Bob about good candy. This is a good one if you love Linda. And c'mon, who doesn't love Linda?

Who wore which costume: The kids deliver yet another epic batch of costumes here, with Gene as "The Grad-iator" (a gladiator who just got his "Petmasters), Tina as "The Sherlock-ness Monster" (a mystery who solves mysteries), and Louise as "Peter Pan's Labyrinth" (so a child who wouldn't age with a Guillermo del Toro twist).

How to watch: Bob's Burgers' "The Pumpkinening" is now streaming on Hulu.

5. Season 7, Episode 3: "Teen-a Witch"

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Why it's great: Tina is feeling optimistic about this year’s school costume contest, but when Tammy steals Tina’s idea for her costume, the ambitious kneesock wearer must turn to the dark side. At the suggestion of the always hilarious Mr. Ambrose, Tina attempts to cheat at the contest by using witchcraft. The result is a messy, drama-laden affair that’s equal parts spooky and sassy.

Who wore which costume: In an episode all about costumes, there aren’t that many great ones at the Wagstaff costume contest. Still, ranked in order from worst to best: Tammy’s “Hot Mess,” Tina’s “Sand-Witch,” Peter Pescadero’s Mona Lisa, Rudy’s Marcel Marceau, and Jocelyn’s sexy Judge Judy — which is, let’s be real, the best costume ever.

How to watch: Bob's Burgers' "Nightmare on Ocean Avenue Street" is now streaming on Hulu.

4. Season 4, Episode 2: "Fort Night"

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Why it's great: Halloween doesn’t go as planned when the kids’ fort — which is really just an old dumpster — in the back alley of the restaurant gets blocked in by a truck. With the kids still inside, the gang has no choice but to seek help from a passerby, Louise’s creepy classmate Millie. This is a great chapter in the bizarre dynamic of Millie and Louise, made even more memorable by the dire circumstances. (Seriously, do not play in dumpsters. This is so dangerous.)

Who wore which costume: Darryl wins the evening as a member of the iconic band Devo, specifically as seen in the 1980 music video “Whip It.” Meanwhile, Millie goes as the bunny half of a dust bunny — with hopes of Louise going as the dust half. But instead, Louise joins in a five-person Chinese dragon costume with Tina, Gene, Andy, and Ollie, which ultimately gets worn by Bob and Linda since the kids got trapped in the aforementioned dumpster.

How to watch: Bob's Burgers' "Fort Night" is now streaming on Hulu.

3. Season 5, Episode 2: "Tina and the Real Ghost"

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Why it's great: After paranormal investigators claim the restaurant has become home to an otherworldly presence, Linda and the kids hold a seance in the basement. Enter Jeff, a 13-year-old ghost boy freshly trapped in a shoebox who Tina is now dating. This episode is a huge victory for Tina's confidence and Louise's con-artistry.

Who wore which costume: It’s another low-costume affair in Season 5, but Louise and Gene keep up the festivities with Louise going as Ryan Gosling’s silk jacket-wearing character from Drive and Gene going as both Turner and Hooch from the 1989 classic: “He’s half dog, half Hanks, all cop!”

How to watch: Bob's Burgers' "Tina and the Real Ghost" is now streaming on Hulu.

2. Season 3, Episode 2: "Full Bars"

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Why it's great: Bob's Burgers' first Halloween episode ever not only included a murder mystery centered on Teddy, Bob, Linda, and a really unlucky guinea pig, it also gave Tina, Gene, Louise, and viewers their first glimpse at the affluent world of King's Head Island. The kids' pursuit of the best candy in town introduces them to neighborhood friends (and foes) we'd see for years to come. (Plus, Louise trying to throw that cellphone into that moving car is always hilarious.)

Who wore which costume: For trick-or-treating, Louise goes as Edward Scissorhands, Tina becomes as an ancient Egyptian corpse with an infant (aka “Mummy Mommy"), and Gene appears as "rapper and actress Queen Latifah from her U.N.I.T.Y. phase."

At Teddy’s Halloween party, Linda rocks an understated yet elegant mermaid costume, while Teddy and his guinea pig Francis go as tigers. Bob also gets forced into sumo suit.

How to watch: Bob's Burgers' "Full Bars" is now streaming on Hulu.

1. Season 6, Episode 3: "The Hauntening"

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Why it's great: Louise gets the scare of a lifetime when the Belchers pull off the best prank Bob's has ever seen. Using Mort's mom's house as their stage, Bob and Linda put on a homemade haunted house that's really underwhelming...so they can get Louise with the far more elaborate nightmare they have planned with Gene and Tina. Full of twists, turns, and that classic Belcher above-and-beyondness, this Halloween may be the best they've ever had. Not to mention, it's got the Boyz 4 Now single "I Love You So Much (It's Scary)" — and that's just a plain ol' bop.

Who wore which costume: The kids don't get costumes in this one, but Bob and Linda go as a mad scientist, bride of Frankenstein, and briefly conjoined twins in their DIY haunted house. Plus, Teddy, Mort, Mort's Mom, and Mort's Mom's boyfriend Arthur pretend to be occultists.

How to watch: Bob's Burgers' "The Hauntening" is now streaming on Hulu.

Bonus episodes

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Want to keep the spooky Bob's Burgers merriment going? Then checkout these episodes, which aren't Halloween themed but certainly fall on the spookier side.

You've got Season 8's "The Silence of the Louise," (a Millie-centric episode with a Silence of the Lambs twist); Season 6's "Lice Things Are Lice" (a truly terrifying tale featuring Jackie the school nurse); Season 5's "Housetrap" (a murder mystery with a love triangle subplot); Season 3's "The Deepening" (a parody of Steven Spielberg's Jaws); and Season 1's "Human Flesh" (oh yeah, that time the Belchers were accused of cannibalism by the health department??).

How to watch: Bob's Burgers is now streaming on Hulu.

This post has been updated and republished since its original publish date of Oct. 20, 2020.

via Zero Tech Blog

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