What do we even say at this point? Another week has passed. Seven days, in the books.
There isn't much to feel good about. Disaster surrounds us; the ocean's rising; the bad guys won; it's all just a slow march through muddy waters.
Anyway, despite — gestures vaguely — it all, there were tweets this week. Some good ones, even. How about that?
Please enjoy these 13 tweets.
1. Oh, well, yep
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2. The jokes must go on
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3. Life does have some beauty in it
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4. Your child is Terminally Online and stricken by the Poster's Disease and this is very serious indeed. They could grow up and become a blogger.
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5. Let me echo: Good for her.
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6. Again, let me echo: that's right.
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7. Ha, ha, I am an adult man
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8. Do NOT ever put me in a situation
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9. Always just step over it
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10. Yes
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11. Soup Szn is upon us. I need to make some stock.
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12. I agree wholeheartedly
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13. And finally, accept the void
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via Zero Tech Blog