In retrospect, I should have realized Contagion would not be an easy watch in the middle of a pandemic.
But I'd noticed the calendar creeping on up six months since "it all" began — since the day Tom Hanks announced he'd caught the virus, the NBA suspended its season, and a whole lot of Americans realized the disease had really and truly come for us. I wanted to do something to mark half a year spent hiding in my apartment, scrubbing my hands, and fearing the outside world, and with nothing else to do, I looked to the movie so many others had turned to at the start of the pandemic.
I'd seen Contagion before, back when it first came out in 2011. It was a fun thought experiment at the time, a thrillingly plausible what-if about a scenario I knew was technically possible, but still couldn't quite bring myself to believe might actually come to pass. Now that it had, I thought it'd be interesting to revisit it. I figured I'd nod along at what it got right and roll my eyes at what it got wrong, and maybe even come away with a nugget or two of wisdom, and I did. What I wasn't prepared for was the emotional bruising. Read more...
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