What we'll always love about the idiots who got dumped in 'Scott Pilgrim vs. The World'

What we'll always love about the idiots who got dumped in 'Scott Pilgrim vs. The World'

It’s been 10 years since Edgar Wright’s Scott Pilgrim vs. The World exploded onto the convenient subspace highway running through humanity’s head. But for longtime fans, it’s hard to imagine life before this movie

Scott Pilgrim, based on the graphic novels of Bryan Lee O’Malley, burst forth with such self-assured aesthetics and humor, such a fully formed identity, that for the fans who've loved it since day one, it can feel almost as if it was always with us on some level. (The metaphoric kind, not the Puck Man kind.) You know, a white door hanging in midair since the very beginning that we’d only just thought to enter. Read more...

More about Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, 10th Anniversary, Entertainment, and Movies Tv Shows

via Zero Tech Blog

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