Twitter comedians build perfect cinematic universe of stock teen movie characters

Twitter comedians build perfect cinematic universe of stock teen movie characters

Comedian Eva Victor shared a hilarious short video on Tuesday sending up the "alternative" heroine in teen movies who gets the quarterback with a heart of gold.

Complete with septum piercing, ribbon chokers, and a selection of plaid shirts, Victor hits a plethora of overused teen movie "misfit" tropes in less than two minutes. These include delivering derisive put-downs to a jock at her part-time job, introducing him to bands she can't believe he's never heard, and then (spoiler!) eventually getting together with him at prom. 

It's practically an entire film genre broken down to its bare essentials. Read more...

More about Twitter, Comedians, Stereotypes, Teen Movies, and Romantic Comedies

via Zero Tech Blog

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