25 years on, Clueless is remembered and revered for all sorts of things: the bold fashion, the sly wit, the uncanny way that Paul Rudd has refused to age even a little bit since 1995.
But the very first time you see it, the very first thing you notice about its heroine is her hair. And even now, it remains one of the film's most defining features.
It's with us from the opening shot of Clueless — the only thing you can really make out as Cher zips down a Beverly Hills street in her Jeep, before you can get a good look at her face or her clothes. A glorious curtain of it marks our proper introduction to her a few seconds later, as she flips it back over her face in a close-up. Read more...
More about Clueless, Alicia Silverstone, Entertainment, and Movies Tv Showsvia Zero Tech Blog