Here's a test: Without checking a calendar, try to guess how many weeks it's been since you've been in quarantine. Now think back to St. Patrick's Day, and estimate how much time went by between that and when you started quarantining.
Objectively speaking, most people in the U.S. were told to stay at home about a week after St. Patrick's Day. Yet subjectively speaking, from within the trenches of quarantine, it feels as though St. Patrick's Day— or a time when you could go outside whenever you wanted — happened several lifetimes ago.
Even more strangely, on a moment to moment basis the days spent in quarantine can often feel like they drag on forever. Yet somehow, the six to ten weeks since most lockdown and stay-at-home orders went into effect appear to have gone by in the blink of an eye. Read more...
More about Lifestyle, Time, Quarantine, Coronavirus, and Culturevia Zero Tech Blog