Behold this hilariously cursed cake version of NZ PM Jacinda Ardern

Behold this hilariously cursed cake version of NZ PM Jacinda Ardern

Comedian Laura Daniel has made a horrific cake tribute to New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern, greatly straining the age old idiom that it's the thought that counts.

Daniel's edible nightmare goblin was born from an ill-advised bake-off with Hilary Barry, a presenter on Kiwi current affairs television show Seven Sharp. Each filming in their own homes due to the coronavirus lockdown, contestants had two hours to bake a cake without flour and decorate it to look like a Kiwi icon.

In the segment aired on Tuesday, Barry made a pavlova designed to look like Aoraki / Mount Cook, the tallest mountain in New Zealand. It was a sensible choice, as pavlovas already look fairly mountainous without much effort. Barry also had some prior baking experience. Read more...

More about Food, Cake Decoration, New Zealand, Cakes, and Jacinda Ardern

via Zero Tech Blog

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