You can glimpse the eerie depths of the planet’s most threatening glacier

You can glimpse the eerie depths of the planet’s most threatening glacier

It's OK to be nervous about the Thwaites Glacier.

If this Florida-sized Antarctic glacier collapsed, it could ultimately unleash enough ice to boost sea levels by ten feet. Thwaites is already dumping "huge amounts of ice into the ocean," and in 2019, Antarctic researchers located a cavity two-thirds the size of Manhattan near the bottom of Thwaites.

And it's here, at the bottom, where Thwaites' destiny lies. 

Where this colossal river of ice extends out from Antarctica and meets the seafloor is called the "grounding line." This point acts like a plug, holding Thwaites back so bounties of ice on land can't flow unimpeded into the sea, raising sea levels. Read more...

More about Science, Global Warming, Antarctica, Climate Change, and Thwaites Glacier

via Zero Tech Blog

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