There ain't no party like a Grand Old Party 'cause a Grand Old Party don't stop 'til its covered up all the president's crimes. On Monday's episode of Late Night with Seth Meyers, the host noted that Republicans' heads are still firmly lodged in the sand even as Trump's impeachment trial nears its close.
"They literally just don't care," said Meyers, condemning their refusal to allow witnesses to be called.
It's all the more frustrating considering how terrible at subterfuge the president has been.
"Trump literally said the crime he was doing out loud in the Oval Office, and there were multiple witnesses," said Meyers. "At least Nixon tried to keep his tape secret — if Trump had tapes he'd be selling them in Times Square." Read more...
More about Donald Trump, Republicans, Seth Meyers, Late Night With Seth Meyers, and Impeachment Trialvia Zero Tech Blog