Netflix's 'The Witcher' nails that distinct 'Witcher' feeling

Netflix's 'The Witcher' nails that distinct 'Witcher' feeling

As the witcher Geralt of Rivia whips around the dirty streets of Blaviken, slicing through thugs, he pins his final foe against a building with a shortsword through the torso. Then he backs up a step with his own steel sword and fluidly severs the pinned man’s head from his body in a small shower of blood.

At this moment during the first episode of Netflix’s The Witcher, I thought to myself, “Hell yeah.”

There are so many great moments throughout The Witcher, so many scenes that delighted me with their intensity, humor, and unabashed Witcher-ness. It's a world that's easy to get swept up in as long as you can follow along. Read more...

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via Zero Tech Blog

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