'Jexi' is, unfortunately, a movie fit for our times

This review contains major spoilers for Jexi

In his recent New York Times op-ed, "How to Stop Superhuman A.I. Before It Stops Us," Dr. Stuart Russell, a professor of computer science at the University of California, Berkeley, advises people to create artificial intelligence machines that work toward our (human) objectives rather than their nonhuman ones. That way, machines will "always defer to humans" and "ask for permission when appropriate." Jexi, a new sci-fi comedy film released on Friday starring Adam Devine (Workaholics, Pitch Perfect), showcases the sort of A.I. that Russel strongly cautions against: a machine that thinks and acts for itself. Read more...

More about Adam Devine, Rose Byrne, Wanda Sykes, Entertainment, and Movies Tv Shows

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