'This Way Up' captures loneliness like nothing ever before


There's a scene in This Way Up where Aine turns the key in the door to her flat, says a brief hello to her flatmate, before seeking solace in her bedroom. She climbs into bed and watches TV on her laptop perched atop a chest of drawers. 

It's a familiar scene — but not in the sense you might think. 

British Channel 4 series This Way Up is, in the words of Aisling Bea who created and stars in the show, "a comedy about loneliness." As well as being extremely funny, the show is one of the few accurate portrayals of millennial loneliness that truly distills the reality of what it's like to be lonely in a city packed with people.  Read more...

More about Uk, Comedy, Loneliness, This Way Up, and Entertainment

via Zero Tech Blog

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