The self-care revolution is finally coming to men


It's tough to practice real self-care when the internet's obsessed with #self-care. Let Mashable help with our new series Me, My Self-Care & I.

Genuine question: Why don't we invite more men to become their #bestselves?

At the risk of sounding like a men's rights activist Missing The Point Entirely, self-care really is one of the rare spaces where women dominate the culture, while men face countless gender-based stigmas and barriers to entry. (Don't celebrate the win too much, though, ladies because we've still got the Pink Tax in the self-care industry to disadvantage us!)

"A lot of men when they think of self-care quite frankly imagine a woman in a bubble bath with a glass of champagne — and that's just not manly," said Gregory Brown, founder and director of the Green Psychiatry Center and an advocate for making wellness more accessible to men. "They think that if they're taking time for self-care, they're losing productivity, time from work. And that goes against what society tells us is masculine." Read more...

More about Makeup, Gender Equality, Self Care, Toxic Masculinity, and Me My Self Care I

via Zero Tech Blog

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