Since tablets were first introduced, it seemed like a matter of time before laptops went the way of the Apple Newton. Laptops can't compare to a tablet's portability, and newer iPads rival the processing power of many cheap notebooks. But what many tablets still lack is a functional keyboard, and finally you can get a huge discount on an official Apple Smart Keyboard to enjoy that click-clack sound you've been missing.
Get some work done when you save 50 percent on the Apple Smart Keyboard and get it for just $79.50 from Amazon. This isn't the first time the price has dropped on the Smart Keyboard, but it certainly is the largest drop so far. And this particular model works with either of the 10.5-inch iPad Pro or iPad Air tablets. You won't be as lucky with huge discounts if you own a different model. You'll have to get by with just a $10 discount on the Smart Keyboard for the 9.7-inch iPad Pro and Smart Keyboard Folio for the 12.9-inch iPad Pro. Read more...
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