Bye, blue and coral: Apple reportedly swapping in two new iPhone XR colors


Bye, coral. Bye, blue. Hello, green. Hello, lavender. 

Apple's colorful line of iPhone XR phones could be in for a shift in the rainbow of options. The blog Macotakara cites "reliable information sources" in reporting a rumor that Apple will swap out the coral and blue iPhone XRs for green and lavender ones. 

Lavender is a fairly specific shade of purple, but what can we expect of the more vague green hue? Are we talking a kelly green, a lime green, something in the family of a dusty Yoda green?

Beyond the coral and blue, the iPhone XR currently comes in black, white, yellow, and (PRODUCT) RED. When the iPhone XR debuted in September 2018, it was Apple's first splash back into bright colors since the iPhone 5C launched in 2013 with blue, green, yellow, pink, and white color choices. Read more...

More about Apple, Iphone Xr, Tech, and Iphone

via Zero Tech Blog