‘Bonding’ is a perfect show to watch if you don’t want a show to watch


Do you ever crave a show to watch between watching shows? When you're struck by analysis paralysis, torn between your latest binge and the next item on your never-ending watchlist, there are few shows that fill the time adequately.

Enter Netflix's Bonding. At seven episodes (all of which are around 15 minutes), Bonding is the ideal transitional show. It follows best friends Tiff (Zoe Levin) and Pete (Brandon Scannell), the former of whom works as a dominatrix at night and enlists the latter as muscle and general assistance.

Even with the premise and open door to BDSM culture, Bonding isn't often overtly sexual. It does detail some of Tiff's clients' kinks, which are generally sanitized for levity – a missed opportunity to de-stigmatize sex work and BDSM on the Netflix platform with an open-ended chance to explore both further. Read more...

More about Entertainment, Television, Netflix, Miniseries, and Bonding

via Zero Tech Blog

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