14 tweets that got me through the week


Live by the Twitter feed, die by the Twitter feed. 

Each week, I gain knowledge. Sure, it might be the fact that nobody else checks their voicemails or what the alleged main ingredient is in a Werther's candy. But it's knowledge nonetheless. They say our Twitter feeds are a reflection of our brains. And by "they" I mean "I." 

With that being said, here are the 14 best tweets I saw this week. No, I know. I shouldn't have. But I did. 

1. Math? Nah. Math humor? Sure.

me: i'm terrified of the vertical axis

therapist: why?

me: [screams]

— magnet (@arcadeseals) May 21, 2019

2. Never in my (relatively) young stoner life have I come across anything as relatable as this tweet.

More about Memes, Funny Tweet, Twitter Roundups, Tweet Roundup, and Culture

via Zero Tech Blog

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