Oh great, another 'Game of Thrones' porn parody is here


Everyone's cashing in on that Game of Thrones fever in its final season, and yes, that especially applies to the adult industry.

Be transported to "Westerass" with Game of Bones 2: Winter Came Everywhere, a porn parody which features characters like "Jon Blow" and "Bigfinger." It's a sequel to Game of Bones: Winter Is Cumming, which was first released in 2013.

The production company behind it all, WoodRocket, is behind other porn parodies which extremely tenuous connections to pop culture, such as The Legend of Zildo, The Laygo Movie, Dragon Boob Z and the one-and-only Fortnut.

Yes, here we are. The movie is available on Pornhub from Thursday. Read more...

More about Tv, Culture, Game Of Thrones, Porn, and Culture

via Zero Tech Blog

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