Thinking of a secure password is hard, so demanding a user change it every 60 days fills many with dread and leads to weaker security. Microsoft has realized this and decided to remove default password expiry as a security baseline feature in Windows 10.
When organizations deploy Windows 10 to tens, hundreds, or even thousands of employees, default security out the box is very important. That's why Microsoft provides Windows security baselines, which consist of a group of Microsoft-recommended configuration settings that can be relied upon to provide a more secure operating system.
As part of the baseline, Microsoft in the past stipulated a 60-day password expiration policy, which meant every user was forced to change their password every couple of months (unless an organization changed the configuration). As Ars Technica reports, with the release of Windows 10 v1903, password expiration is being dropped from the baseline because it's actually detrimental to security. Read more...
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