Of all the great houses in Game of Thrones, House Stark is the one best known for adhering to a sense of honor. They are a strong, stalwart house who prize justice and fairness, and compared to families like the Martells, Tyrells, and Lannisters they're the least scheme-y nobles in Westeros.
On the one hand, that's great! House Stark are the good guys and every story needs those. On the other hand, that honor has been the cause of death of every dead Stark on the show.
In the second episode of the final season of Game of Thrones, Jon Snow went Peak Stark and told Daenerys the truth about his heritage — that he is the legitimate son of Daenerys' older brother Rhaegar and Lyanna Stark, and is the rightful heir of the iron throne. Read more...
More about Game Of Thrones, Jon Snow, Game Of Thrones Season 8, Daenerys Targaryan, and Entertainmentvia Zero Tech Blog