'Crazy Ex-Girlfriend' creator explains their practically perfect series finale


Warning: The following contains heavy spoilers for the series finale of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Proceed with caution.

After four seasons of delightful, moving, and occasionally infuriating musical chaos, our time with Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and the much beloved Rebecca Bunch has come to an end.

If you're anything like me post-CXG finale, you're struggling to reconcile a whole lot of feelings. 

On the one hand, Rebecca (the consistently excellent Rachel Bloom) has finally blossomed into the self-assured, fulfilled, ambitious, and — dare I say it — happy woman we've always yearned to see. The finale revealed that Rebecca, flipping the script on her big Valentine's Day decision, closes out her story by opting out of choosing from her three suitors, instead dedicating her time to pursuing her dreams and becoming a songwriter.  Read more...

More about The Cw, Season 4, Crazy Ex Girlfriend, Series Finale, and Rachel Bloom

via Zero Tech Blog

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