It's 2019 and women are still not getting paid as much as men. It's ridiculous, disrespectful, and just plain unacceptable.
But the good news is, there are plenty of women advocating for equal pay and breaking down the taboos associated with talking about money. Today may be Equal Pay Day, but we should be thinking and talking about ways to close the gender pay gap every day.
Here are nine quotes from celebrities, athletes, and other successful women on their experience negotiating for more.
1Nicki Minaj, rapper
"Women are uncomfortable talking about money. I know it's taboo to discuss it at work. Technically, you shouldn't, but you need to know what people around you are making. Otherwise, you're not going to know what you're worth. You have to ask questions. 'What is this person getting?' Do your research. I've always been pretty competitive in terms of my pay." Read more...
More about Money, Equality, Pay Gap, Women S Rights, and Social Goodvia Zero Tech Blog