'The Occupation' might be a fun game, but I was stuck in a vent too long to find out


The following review of The Occupation is spoiler-free, mostly because I couldn't make it work long enough to see the ending.

Turing City, 1987. A bomb has gone off at the Bowman-Carson building, killing 23. Harvey Miller must use his cunning investigative journalism skills to crack this alarming whodunit wide open. 

To begin his investigation, Harvey will — pause for dramatic effect — probably need to wait for an   update.

The Occupation, a first-person perspective adventure from White Paper Games, has many of the parts necessary to make for an engaging and enticing mystery. Unfortunately, its insufferable mountain of bugs kept me from enjoying any of them. Instead, I was left confused, frustrated, and (above all else) stuck in a vent for 30+ minutes of playtime. Read more...

More about Review, Video Games, Game, Occupation, and Entertainment

via Zero Tech Blog

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