Donald Trump is reportedly terrified of self-driving cars


If there's one thing Donald Trump is good at it's stoking the fear of the unknown.

And he's now extended that to being scared of driverless cars, according to a story from Axios. Jonathan Swan and Joann Muller walk us through several things Trump has apparently said about self-driving cars — and none of them are good. 

Among the examples:

  • "Can you imagine, you're sitting in the back seat and all of a sudden this car is zig-zagging around the corner and you can't stop the f—-ing thing?"

  • Self-driving cars "will never work."

  • "I would never get in a self-driving car. ... I don't trust some computer to drive me around." Read more...

More about Donald Trump, Self Driving Cars, Culture, Transportation, and Politics

via Zero Tech Blog