Warning: Major spoilers for Russian Doll: Season 1 lie ahead.
Russian Doll is a freaking phenomenal bit of television. I laughed. I cried. I got nervous about my cat's whereabouts, called a friend to say I love them, spent hours curling my hair.
What more could a girl ask for? Well... some answers would be nice.
Natasha Lyonne's heart-wrenching story of a "broken man" and a "lady with a death wish" traversing numerous timelines to solve a metaphysical mystery sucked me in the moment it started—and its many unsolved mysteries have hung with me ever since.
Russian Doll's meticulously crafted details create a mystifying universe with quirks that felt, if not entirely novel, fresh and newly perplexing in a been-there-done-that genre. Each new enigma left with me a sprawling flowchart of questions, some of which are still troubling me. Read more...
More about Netflix, Amy Poehler, Natasha Lyonne, Russian Doll, and Entertainmentvia Zero Tech Blog