This cuddly $6,000 robot will warm your cold, dead heart


It's a sad and lonely world out there — but Japanese startup Groove X has a perfect solution for anyone with a huge stockpile of cash.

The company's new companion robot Lovot ($6,000 for a pair) is built with one purpose in mind: making you feel less dead inside. 

The most surprising part: These cute little robots actually work! Watching them roll around the showroom floor at CES 2019 warmed my heart in the same way seeing an adorable puppy would have. They're undeniably lovable, and practically beg to be interacted with.

The Lovot robots caught my attention during a small showcase on one of the first nights of the conference. Those big doe eyes are almost impossible to miss from across the room, plus the robots drew a massive crowd pretty quickly. Read more...

More about Ces, Robots, Ces 2019, Ces 2019, and Tech

via Zero Tech Blog

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