Samuel L. Jackson has a glorious backstory to becoming Nick Fury


If you're ever in a comic book store in LA, keep your eyes peeled for superheroes. Not just the illustrated kind, either.

In the clip above for The Tonight Show, Samuel L. Jackson explains to Jimmy Fallon how he became Marvel's Nick Fury. Apparently it all started when he was browsing comics.

"I'm passing the rack and I see this thing, the Ultimates, and I go: 'Wow: Dude looks like me'," explains Jackson, before going on to describe a scene in the comic where Nick Fury even says he would want Jackson to play him in a movie. 

Imagine how surreal it must be to see a comic book character who not only looks like you, but also says they'd want you to play them in a film.  Read more...

More about The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Fallon, Samuel L. Jackson, Entertainment, and Movies Tv Shows

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