PlayStation 4 ended 2018 with 91.6 million sold and a huge 'Spider-Man' win


Sony's gaming division had a stellar 2018.

The PlayStation 4, which launched just over five years ago on Nov. 15, 2013, finished last year with 91.6 million consoles sold to date. For comparison: The PlayStation 3 and its last-gen competitor, the Xbox 360, were on shelves for more than a decade. Neither one sold more than 85 million in double the amount of time.

So, yeah: it's fair to say that the PS4 has been pretty successful. And it sounds like Spider-Man played a big role there, at least in terms of Sony's 2018 fortunes.

Despite the fact that PS4 hosted a number of major exclusives in 2018, including the triumphant return of God of War and the bar-raising update to a classic game in Tetris Effect, only Spidey gets a shout-out by name in Sony's news blast. Read more...

More about Entertainment, Gaming, Sony, Playstation 4, and Spider Man

via Zero Tech Blog

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