Paul Manafort's defense shot itself in the foot a bit when, in filing Manafort's response to claims made by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, it didn't properly redact sections of the submission — meaning anyone with the document can copy and paste the text underneath the black boxes.
When Paul Manafort's lawyers submitted their latest pleading in federal court, they *tried* to redact some portions. They failed. You can copy the text right from underneath the black boxes. *facepalm* https://t.co/2gvYqsmE0i
— David Martosko (@dmartosko) January 8, 2019
For instance, on page 9 of the document, using the copy and paste trick, you can see that several blacked out lines actually read: Read more...
More about Paul Manafort, Robert Mueller, Culture, and Politicsvia Zero Tech Blog