Mark Zuckerberg had Jack Dorsey over for dinner and it was somehow even more weird than you might expect.
When asked about his most "memorable encounter" with Zuckerberg, Dorsey revealed that not only did Zuckerberg once invite him over for an (undercooked) goat dinner, it was a goat the Facebook CEO killed himself... with a knife and some kind of taser.
Speaking to Rolling Stone, the Twitter founder and CEO recounted the strange, strange tale :
Honestly, there's so much to unpack here, it's hard to know where to begin. Not only did Zuck kill a goat from is own personal livestock supply, he stunned the animal with some kind of laser/stun gun before "he knifed it." Then he served it to Dorsey cold, with a side salad. Read more...
More about Tech, Facebook, Twitter, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jack Dorseyvia Zero Tech Blog