We already know Facebook will do pretty much whatever it wants with your data, but a lawsuit shows the lengths it will go to in defending that approach.
On Monday, the ACLU, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Center for Democracy & Technology, and Illinois Public Interest Research Group, filed what's known as a "friend of the court brief." The brief takes a stance against what appears to be an argument Facebook is advancing in court that would weaken a strong biometric data privacy law.
SEE ALSO: Facebook's Privacy Disaster
Three Illinois plaintiffs are suing Facebook in a class-action suit, stating Facebook did not comply with an Illinois law that requires informed and written consent for the collection of biometric data — in Facebook's case, facial recognition. A federal judge gave the case the go ahead in April. Read more...
More about Facebook, Lawsuit, Biometrics, Aclu, and Facevia Zero Tech Blog