E-scooters can be hacked. Here's what companies are doing about it.


It seems almost too easy to steal an electric scooter. 

They’re light, only about 30 pounds, and usually aren’t locked to anything, so you can simply lift them and throw them in your car. As long as you don't try to ride one while locked, the alarm shouldn't go off. And a guide on a scooter forum recently spread on Twitter, showing people how a $32 kit from China could be used to rejigger a $500 scooter from Bird into your own personal vehicle.  

So why don’t scooter companies seem worried?

The kit comes straight from China and takes ~8 weeks to arrive. Domestic sellers are selling them for slightly more expensive.

h/t to @TheRideshareGuy for finding the thread: https://t.co/fYu7LmLC9F pic.twitter.com/LpOWPh2wfU

— Nick Abouzeid (@nickabouzeid) December 4, 2018

More about Hacks, Vandalism, E Scooter, Tech, and Transportation

via Zero Tech Blog

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