Going to music gigs alone is the best way to do it. Fight me.


I could be anywhere in the world, but the moment I hear a song from Neko Case's "Fox Confessor Brings The Flood," I'm transported back to my friend's single bed in northern France. The year is 2009, my Erasmus year, and I'm a teaching assistant in a suburban secondary school.

There, I would spend my evenings drinking €3 red wine and listening to the iTunes library of a new American friend (and now, best friend) named Shannon who also happened to be teaching English in the same sleepy French town. It was there, during this year of instructing teenagers how to conjugate, that I realised how intensely personal our relationship with music can be. That's why, nine years on, I decided I would go to see Neko Case on my own during her European tour.  Read more...

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