The world's most powerful politicians once rode Segways


The man in control of the world's second largest nuclear stockpile is reportedly terrified of taking the stairs.

In earlier, happier times, our leaders were brave. They were courageous warriors. They were decent, educated, sophisticated diplomats. They kept the post-WWII international world order together.

They rode Segways. 

The Segway, a two-wheeled motorized scooter, first hit the market in 2001. The product was inherently masochistic. Seventeen years after it emerged, people still make fun of folks who go on Segway tours or ride Segways to work. It'll never be reclaimed because it was never even a little bit socially acceptable in the first place. Read more...

More about Watercooler, Segway, George Bush, Culture, and Politics

via Zero Tech Blog

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