Learn how to read faster with this $19 online class


Imagine being able to plow through a Game of Thrones novel in the amount of time it takes normal people to get through a Goosebumps book. Or being able to read the entire internet. Well, you might not be able to read the whole internet, but this online course on speed-reading will reportedly have you reading books, documents, web pages, and even boring college textbooks up to three times faster.

With this bundle, you'll receive lifetime access to 7 Speed Reading EX 2018, which will train you to increase your reading speed and retention. You won't just be blasting through walls of text at top speed, but you'll actually absorb all the information and understand it, with an improved ability to accurately recall it later on. You'll also get Spreeder CX 2018, an electronic reader that will allow you to upload any reading material you want and keep your speed-reading muscles in shape at three different display speeds. It even keeps track of your progress so it can scold you appropriately when you forget who belongs to what house in Westeros, or on what date the Magna Carta was signed. Read more...

More about Mashable Shopping, Shopping Stackcommerce, Shopping Onlinelearning, Speed Reading, and Entertainment

via Zero Tech Blog

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