How 'First Man' created the perfect soundtrack for going to the freakin' moon


How can a movie capture an experience that everyone in the world has heard about, but only an extremely privileged few will ever get to have firsthand? 

Well, for starters, it's got to have the right music.

That's the task composer Justin Hurwitz faced when he signed up for First Man, director Damien Chazelle's telling of Neil Armstrong's journey to the moon. But while reading Josh Singer's script, Hurwitz was most struck by how alienating the trip must have been for Armstrong.

"I really responded to this idea in the script that after Neil went to the moon, he would be very alone for the rest of his life, a stranger from the rest of humanity," he told Mashable in an email, "because nobody else has had the experience he had, and seen the things he has seen." Read more...

More about Movies, First Man, Justin Hurwitz, Entertainment, and Music

via Zero Tech Blog

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