Innocent Toad mask conceals unknown horrors


It's September, which means we all need to start thinking about what we're going to be for Halloween. Why not Toad?

That's a great question: Why not Toad? Why not Toad? Why not Toad? Why not Toad?

This is why.

Listed on Amazon as the "Disguise Men's Toad Costume Accessory Mask - Adult," this Toad mask, pictured above, is an affront to the senses. The way it transforms the model's head into the entirety of Toad's mushroom head, the majority of his face obscured by the bulbous, polka-dotted top section.

Toad's tiny, black, dead eyes demand your attention, but lurking just above are another set of eyes, obscured slightly by a large red dot, but still present and leering. Which set do you look upon? Read more...

More about Halloween, Nintendo, Culture, Toad, and Entertainment

via Zero Tech Blog

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