'BBQ Becky' doppelgänger interrupts black cosplayers in this iconic photo


An unexpected guest made an appearance at this year's Dragon Con in Atlanta, Georgia.

During a photoshoot for the Black Geeks of Dragon Con, Jennifer Schulte aka BBQ Becky attempted to crash the party. Thankfully, it wasn't the real Schulte, but rather a woman named Christina Adams who bears an uncanny resemblance to the infamous figure. 

The real show is going on behind her, though, as a bunch of incredible black cosplayers side-eye her to oblivion.

The photo was posted onto Facebook where it quickly got a lot of attention. The photographer behind the photo, Otis Casey, told Mashable that he was not expecting this kind of response after he uploaded the photo yesterday.  Read more...

More about Black Panther, Cosplayers, Dragon Con 2018, Dragon Con, and Culture

via Zero Tech Blog

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