New 'Walking Dead' mobile game has a killer social element, but fairly pointless AR


After a solid week of playing The Walking Dead: Our World, the new AR-optional mobile game set in the world of AMC's The Walking Dead, I can solidly say that I would 100% survive the zombie apocalypse...but only if I was there with my friends. 

While Our World can be played by oneself, it has a strong and unique emphasis on partnering with famous characters from the show and squadding up with strangers to take on the full force of a zombie-infested wasteland.

The premise of the game is simple, but the execution is not. On its face, The Walking Dead: Our World is an Ingress/Pokémon Go style game where a real-world map of a player’s surroundings is transformed into a post-apocalyptic landscape riddled with supply crates, walker encounters, and player-built shelters that serve as drop off points for survivors.  Read more...

More about Entertainment, Gaming, The Walking Dead, Augmented Reality, and Entertainment

via Zero Tech Blog

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