California lawmakers have the opportunity to pass a new law that would serve as the gold standard for true net neutrality protection across the country. But a Democratic assemblyman with financial ties to the telecommunications industry just gutted it.
The California State Assembly Communications and Conveyance committee will likely vote on SB 822 on Wednesday, which would codify net neutrality into California law. Once it passes through committee, it would go to the state assembly for a full vote, at which point it would become law if it passes. The state senate has already passed the bill.
But late Tuesday evening, Miguel Santiago, a California assemblyman and chair of the Communications and Conveyance committee, edited the bill to allow for gaping loopholes that benefit the telecommunications industry and make the net neutrality legislation toothless. AT&T is one of Santiago's largest campaign donors. Read more...
More about California, At T, Net Neutrality, Lobbying, and Techvia Zero Tech Blog